Welcome to linenewss blog where you learn the latest updates on how you can easily make money online and be a boss of yourself.

Today I could be talking about Yahoo Forex format scam and broker website and everything you need to know. Many of you might have heard about Forex in the past but don’t know how it works, well as a yahoo boy you can use Forex to make money from your clients.

What is forex

The term ‘Forex’ stands for Foreign Exchange. Forex trading in simple terms is the trading in currencies from different countries against each other; for example the US Dollar against the Euro. In short form, Forex is all about trading with different popular currencies and you make money or lose money depending on how your strategy is and how the market is.

What is yahoo Forex scam format?

This is the opposite of the real Forex in which you create fake Forex website/company,then invites the general public to invest in the fake Forex market so you can trade and make money for them.

As the people are investing in your Forex trading website (through bitcoin and usdt) the payment will be going into your wallet directly.

This yahoo Forex scam format is very easy and still paying because only few of my guys are into it currently.

The world economy is getting hard daily, many people are suffering,many are already into debt,each day people keep doing research online on how to make money online even without working, no you as a sharp guy can use this opportunity to benefit yourself.

Tools needed for yahoo Forex scam

To successfully make money on yahoo Forex scam you need to invest little on buying tools and setup.

Forex Trading website

This is a website where you can invest,trade and monitor the Forex market, it’s not your reqular website,as a novice Forex website make look a bit complicated to you.

To start a Forex company for your Forex scam you need a well designed and developed websites. This website must contain the following functions:

  • Creation of accounts profile and login.
  • Deposit of funds (different methods of deposit)
  • Withdraw of funds
  • Referral bonus
  • Latest Forex market chat trade view
  • High security.

  • In this Forex website,your clients should be able to create their profile account and login,this includes username,full name,date of birth, email address, password wallet address e.t.c .
    It should also allows the users to deposit any amount they are willing to invest. You can choose to allow users to deposit bitcoin, usdt or PayPal.

    Forex website always have withdraw features whereby users can withdraw Thier investments,you can also well add referral bonus to anyone who brings an investors for you.

    Remember the main aim of yahoo Forex scam is to collect money from investors.

    Foreign number

    Another important tools needed for this format is foreign number, choose from this countries, USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland e.t.c
    This number should be able to work on WhatsApp, telegram,text messages and also be able to make calls. Reason is that clients/investors may wants to talk to you directly through the number. Do not use your local number.

    Proves evidence/testimonies

    Some persons may not believe in Forex but once you show them proves of cashout and testimonies this will increase Thier interests.

    This testimonies might be in a short video were a white man or woman will be testifying that he/she investment in your Forex broker and got paid (video proves works well).

    It can also be screenshot payslip, transaction receipt,screenshot of fake chats with your investors, review from online websites.

    Once you have these tools then you are ready to start the rich game changer formats.

    Now is the time to get clients/public to invest in your Forex broker website. Some people might ask how you can get clients,well I will list and explain methods I use in getting clients everyday.

    How to get clients to invest on Forex broker website

    Social media

    social media is one of the cheapest ways to get clients/investors,it has been on for a very long time and is still working,you can freely use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn and telegram e.t.c
    On Instagram you need to create a nice profile or you buy an old account and edit, let the profile look like an investor or broker profile. Always post things about Forex on your page, update about investments and making money, search for clients from tier one countries, message and introduce them to Forex,send them your website for more information, Keep reminding them daily about it.

    This method also works on Facebook, you can use Facebook page instead of Facebook account,to avoid your account being blocked.

    On twitter, post about Forex and investments, also includes your website link with the hash tags ## of things trending at the moment .

    Paid traffic

    this is one of the best and easiest ways to get investors for your Forex broker trading website, you don’t need to start searching for clients or start messaging them one after the other,but it’s not free.

    In this paid traffic you just need to run advert on Facebook, Instagram i.e paying Facebook and Instagram and they share and trend your broker website links to millions of users, below is the advert I run on Facebook,you can see the number of people that visited my investment website and also the amount I paid Facebook for it. This is very cheap and recommendable .

    Guest post advertising

    you can promote your Forex broker website through guest post advertising, you just need to pay a certain amount of money to top poplar blogs and they will post your website in their blog.. do you know that you can quest post on popular websites like bloomberg.com,cnbc.com,forbes.com, vanguard.com.e.t.c

    If you follow this method I listed above, believe me you should be making at least $5000 monthly.

    Now you might be asking how you can get this Forex broker website and other tools,

    Well I can mentor you and provide these premium tools for you to earn forever. My mentorship cost is $300

    What you will get from me in my mentorship

  • A well designed, developed and automated Forex broker website.
  • Foreign number of your choice
  • All Documents.
  • I will register your broker website company in the USA
  • Create a proof of video testimonials about your broker website.
  • Teach you on how to get clients through paid traffic.
  • You can send me message now to get started .

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