As the crypto currency is taking over the cash, especially bitcoin,if you don’t know about bitcoin then you are one step backward, With the rise in bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, one way to make money illegally online is to make them invest in a fake bitcoin investment scheme.
In this post i will show you How to Create a Fake Bitcoin Investment Website and how you can tell your client to invest on it.

To create a fake bitcoin website, you need a PHP Script, domain name, hosting platform, and someone to design the website. Once you host the website after design, you have a fake bitcoin website that can receive, send, and invest bitcoins.

With a fake bitcoin website, you can receive bitcoins from investors using the bitcoin yahoo format or fake investment format.

Let’s see how to create a fake bitcoin website for yourself and make money illegally.

Steps to Create a Fake Bitcoin Investment Website

Remember that the word investment is for personal use so you have to think how you can make the website looks beneficial to the investors/clients so they will agree to invest, in other words make the website to look real and legit.


BUY Your Domain Name

A domain name is crucial to making your website look professional. Domain names are what investors would use to identify your bitcoin website. Example of domain is,,, since you are creating a bitcoin investment website.

i recommend you use name related to bitcoin investment e.g,,invest

To buy this domain you can use namecheap website, watch video below!

Buy a bitcoin investment php script

You don’t need to start designing/building script/website from scratch, the script is already online, so its just for you to know the right source and buy. I recommend Envato.
Envato is a marketplace where programmers sell many things, ranging from software to website scripts and plugins.
Once you log into Envato, search for “Bitcoin Script” using the search bar.

You will see lots of options to choose from. If you are tech-savvy, you should know the one that suits the design you already have in mind.

Design your Fake Bitcoin Website on Local Host

Localhost is like hosting on your computer, where you make changes remotely before hosting the final design on the internet.

To create a fake bitcoin website, you have to make it look extremely legit. You can equally copy other investment websites and know the features they added to their own bitcoin investment website.

To make your fake bitcoin investment website look legit, you should have features like;

  • Testimonials
  • About Us Page
  • Contact Us
  • Security and Exchange Commission
  • registration number
  • Physical Address location
  • Proof of payment
  • These are crucial to creating a fake bitcoin investment website that investors would see and give a trial.

    Buy a Hosting for your Website

    Since investors can’t visit your website while on your computer’s localhost, it is important to purchase hosting and get your computer on the internet.

    You can purchase hosting from offshore hosting companies since they can easily protect your website and stop it from being taken down by relevant authorities. My perfect WebHost is Shijinru – an Asian hosting company known for its offshore hosting servers and offers DMCA protection.

    Run Marketing Campaigns

    Now you have your website up and running with proof of payment on the website’s front page, running marketing campaigns to attract investors to your website should be the next step.

    Your marketing strategy can include word-of-mouth, social media promotions, and influencer marketing. If you combine all these into your marketing mix, you should see tangible results.

    How to Grow Your Fake Bitcoin Investment Website

    To attract investors to your fake bitcoin investment website boils down to your marketing.

    Advertise with Google Ads

    Google now allows crypto exchanges and investment websites to advertise on their platform. So for a little fee, you can advertise with Google Ads and get people to sign-up on your platform.

    Use Social Media Influencers.

    Social media influencers are those who can easily help you get investors to your website. Just a little promotion on their respective social media pages and handles would drive enough traffic to your fake bitcoin website.

    Create a Referral System

    A referral system would allow investors to invite friends and get a certain amount from their deposits.

    Just by rewarding users for bringing others, you’d have active investors who are willing to talk about your website to their friends and families.


    Your main aim is for people to invest bitcoin in the website, if you have a client share it to him, any bitcoin he invested will enter your wallet.

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